Saturday, May 7, 2011

Christianity and Islam

Today, Islam and Christianity are often divided, portrayed as enemies in a quest for world dominance.  The relationship, though, is more complicated than that.  If we are to truly understand the workings of Christianity, or in many of our cases, Islam, we need to learn about each of them.  Where they came from.  What the worship.  What they believe.  Many of us unjustly discriminate against others merely because we do not understand them.  They in turn, judge us because they do not understand us either.  Radicals dominate the news, but most people are not radicals.  They're just people.

Both Christianity and Islam stated from humble origins, are were effectively spread by peaceful means, such as traders or merchants.  The peaceful spread of ideas was critical, as well as openness to other ethnic groups.  In understanding that Christianity and Islam are in many ways the same and were both spread (and coexisted) at times peacefully, the world can one day hope to live peacefully with two powerful, insightful ideologies 

We have much to learn from Islam's and Christianity's rich histories.  Misunderstanding creates fear and anger amongst both parties.  Christian-Muslim interaction is of paramount importance as the US, a predominantly Christian nation, fights in three Muslim countries to date.  The stability of the region depends on how well we interact with them, and how we understand them.

With harmony, there is reason for optimism.  With less disagreement, we can fight the world's problems with a combined moral purpose.  To unite the world and dissolve the boundary of miscommunication that exists between many Christians and Muslims, an understanding must be reached.  An understanding that reaches beyond our own religious beliefs, and understanding that reaches beyond faith.

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