Friday, December 30, 2011

If Not Effective Government, Please At Least Be Open

Our esteemed United States government, if it finds it fitting to be totally ineffective, ought to at least be open and let the people know what it is going to do.  Bills should be posted on public forums, well before a vote is held, so that constituents can comment and suggest changes to bills.

Congressmen ought to have clear action plans and goals and let their constituents know what those are and how they will benefit the country.  Including how those goals will be met and how people can help would also be welcome additions.

More On Economic Climate

The economy can be a private and public sector collaboration with both doing their part to ensure strong and sustainable growth. The private sector will do the bulk of the growth, while a role for the public sector would be to maintain sustainability in that growth. This cooperative relationship should facilitate growth and promote growth, not impede it. In forming a sustainable plan, it is important to note that sustainability does not mean “restrict growth” but instead planning and coordinating growth in a way that that increase can be sustained.

Increase Creative Capital

To grow our national economy, we need to boost of creative capital, our capacity to innovate and create new items for the market.

Innovation can drive to market forward.  We have seen this time and time again in Silicon Valley.  Many countries have seen the benefit in this and tried to create their own havens for technological innovation.  The United States, if they are intelligent, would do well to preempt the action of other nations and develop even more thoroughly innovative centers of its own, not just in Silicon Valley.

Oh Really? Part 2

In the previous post we detailed how many GOP candidates are idealistic in their promises and pursuit of the presidency.

Reasons for the failure to complete promises include inadequate will, resources, or support for the project.  The Democrats, regardless if they are in the majority or minority come January of 2013, will come out in force against the president if he is a Republican.  Therefore, the Republican nominee would do well not to be too idealistic, lest they fall down much the same road as Obama has so far.

Oh Really? Part 1

In the GOP nomination race for the presidency, it is apparent that many of the GOP candidates are running into a mode of idealism, if you will.  Their pledges and promises about putting America back at the top and getting people jobs is all well and good, but this type of campaigning seems awfully familiar to 2008 when a certain Barack Obama campaigned (successfully) for the presidency as is now being criticized for failing to fulfill similar promises.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Economic Climate

Instead of the government picking winners and losers in the entrepreneurship field, they should foster a climate that promotes entrepreneurship.  Small businesses drive this nation forward, and the government should do what it can to foster a climate that promotes small businesses. The government should not be at odds with the private sector.  It should be an effective partnership to promote sustainable growth.  

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Politics That Change

Our political system is set up so that the people do not have much of a choice.  When buying products at a store, there is often much more than just 2 choices.  It should be the same for politics, where we should not have such limited choices in who we elect.  Nationally, Republican and Democratic platforms stay relatively constant, dictated by powerful national leaders.  We need politics that is not rigid but politics that can be tinkered and changed to suit the times.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Unity in the Christmas Season

In this holiday season., it would be nice if our country achieved some political unity and reconciliation.  The divisiveness in congress and elsewhere in the nation is hurting everyone.  With policies that reflect everyone's values, or at the very least, the majority of the American people, America can become a better place.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Situation in Syria Grows Dire

The Syrian Government, led by the Assad regime, seems intent on murdering its own people.  Armed intervention could be very dangerous, due to the Iranian influence on Syria, but at the very least, the world, especially the Arab world, must keep the pressure up on Syria to stop.  The United States can do its part by encouraging its Arab allies to put pressure on Syria.


We badly need a shakeup in American society and politics.  The system is rigid and benefits the power players rather than the people.  It doesn't matter the size of government right now, it has been ineffective all the same.  We need to increase the efficiency of government and eliminate bureaucracy.  We need to facilitate innovation and change in government much as we see innovation and change in the private sector in places like Silicon Valley.


We need politicians who have to capability to choose from multiple menus of policy ideas.  Right now, the people only have 2 chooses, Democrats, or Republicans.  There is no middle ground.  We need a system of politics that is unafraid of compromise and unafraid of choosing options tailored to work for the whole country.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Top Down Authoritarianism Does Not Work

With recent protests in Russia and the Middle East, a theme is clear.  The top down authoritarian style leadership is not working as well, or at all, anymore.  People now doubt their government more than ever, and not just in this country.  This theme is being harnessed, as it should be, to solicit change around the world.  People do not like being talked down to, and justly will not take it anymore.  Now is the time to act against this kind of government, so protesters can ride the wave of discontent.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

US Must Stop Using Fighting as a Solution in Foreign Policy

A recent trend towards rough and tough militant foreign policy in this nation is worrying.  Instead of fighting to solve its problems, which takes a huge chunk out of our budget, not to mention  many human lives, we should instead pursue active diplomacy with other nations and groups.  Fighting a number of foreign wars only makes us overextended and weaker.  In forging a new time of foreign policy, which is collaborative rather than destructive, other nations might be more receptive to the influence that the United States wields.  By fighting many wars and having an aggressive presence in places like the Middle East, people will often reject the influence as counterproductive and combative.  To turn over a new leaf, the United States must change its outlook and policy on the world.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

More Diplomatic Pressure Needed on Autocrats Pt 3

We need to be welcome and open to new governments created, and help them through hard times, giving them advice when necessary. We must, however, be careful not to intrude into a situation where nobody wants us to act. Yes, we feel that our opinion is worth more that 2 cents, but at the same time, countries have to be able to go it alone. We can help, but in order to create permanent solutions, they must be able to work out some problems for themselves.

More Diplomatic Pressure Needed on Autocrats Pt 2

The US government needs to up the diplomatic pressure on nations abusing its people and/or denying then rights. No, we should NOT go to war, and that shouldn't be an option in this case. That would be severely counterproductive, thus we must use diplomacy to achieve more democracy in the world. We can't just choose dictators that suit us, as the US has done in places like Chile. We need to work with other countries to create lasting stability in the world.

More Diplomatic Pressure Needed on Autocrats Pt 1

Now that popular protests have swept through the Middle East, Greece, Western Europe, Russia, and even this country, it is time the United States Government toggled with its foreign policy in order to solicit positive, permanent change throughout the world. In order to keep up the wave of change, the United States can help other countries with their own reform movements while setting the example of reform on the home front.

New Posting Page on Google+

Hi everyone.

We've created a new page for posts on Google+ here:
This is an extension of our new Google+ account.  We'll be posting ideas and on that page as well as on this blog.

Let us know what you think.  Post a comment.  Form your own opinions.  Being active in society and challenging commonly held assumptions is a good way to make sure society is going in the right direction.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Leaders Need To Lead

Partisanship is gripping our nation and tearing it apart.  While the American people are sidelined, debate rages over in Washington with the elites and little is getting done.

We need strong leadership in this nation and collaboration instead of divisiveness in our leaders. Are they not supposed to lead?  Many politicians are merely concerned with protecting their own backs and getting reelected.  We need lawmakers willing to take a hit, take a risk to stand up and do something right for the American people.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

An Alternative

We aim to create a powerful third party in America.  We endeavor to be the alternative to the Republican and Democratic parties.  In doing so, we hope to reflect the values of the american people.
The traditional parties in America must stop politicizing every issue.  Our leaders instead should do what they were elected to do: lead.   This may involve taking some unpopular positions, and refusing handouts and perhaps being unpopular in the insider circle.  Our leaders must deal with all of this, and take a firm stand for the people.  We need people who will speak and vote their mind, not simply another candidate who will rubber stamp their party's agenda.  We need our leaders to be the agents of positive change in our government.  Help us elect people who will do this.  We need leaders who will improve America.

Balanced Budget Amendment

The idea behind a balanced budget is great, but limiting ourselves to a balanced budget with a constitutional amendment limits the flexibility government has with its money.
Many states, such as California, have had crippling debt problems, often because they are required to have a balanced budget.  While this is good for states and localities, national governments need the flexibility that comes with a temporarily unbalanced budget.
We need to cut spending gradually, not all at once.  While the Republicans are correct that we need extreme change to the spending in our nation, a balanced budget amendment is not the best way to do it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Taxing The Rich-A More Liberal View

We must understand that while the rich in many circumstances can be job creators, the Democratic Party view does hold weight with many Americans.

When the rich are taxed more than the middle class are, as we have stated before in posts, they are still rich.  The taxes aren't going to change that.  When the middle class is taxed a bit less than the rich are (which doesn't happen) then they are most typically still in the middle class.


It's not class warfare.  It's not redistributing the wealth.  It's just providing a bit more fairness in our tax system.  we know that the government is broke.  We need to pay off our debt soon, or much of it, for posterity's sake.  A huge debt cripples our nation and allows less fiscal flexibility in hard times such as these.  Because the times could get even harder if we only cut spending and do not increase revenue, someone must see their taxes go up.

The rich are those who are able to weather such a burden.  The middle class has already been screwed.  They need the extra money.  What they save, they are likely to put back into the economy purchasing goods, food, and electronics for themselves and their families.  The rich have money to spare, and more often hoard their money than the middle class.  Taxing them more is not going to make as much as a difference for them.

Taxing job creators is one thing.  Allowing people who don't spend and have plenty of money to spare pay lower taxes than the working middle class is another.

A Microlending Solution To The Jobs Problem

Several members of the humanitarian community have come upon a tool they find valuable in helping the rabbling masses of poor countries around this world. The concept of microlending has been around since Bangladeshi Muhammad Yunus established the practice with his Grameen bank in 1976. This, these new age philanthropists argue, has been a deciding factor in eliminating poverty.

And it has.

The microlending concept is simple: individuals, such as you, or I, can supply a small sum of money to poor farmers, urban workers, and other disadvantaged members of the economy. In the words of Jeffrey Sachs, an economist at Columbia University, "The key to ending extreme poverty is to enable the poorest of the poor to get their foot on the ladder of development. The ladder of development hovers overhead, and the poorest of the poor are stuck beneath it. They lack the minimum amount of capital necessary to get a foothold, and therefore need a boost up to the first rung. "

This idea has been a large factor in getting many residents of poor areas out of poverty. A study conducted by Professor David Gibbons in Malaysia, at the University of Science there, concluded that upwards of 50 % of the Grameen Bank’s members had escaped poverty within ten years. They also observed a significant elevation of women’s status in their own households.

With these notable successes in mind, it is time, perhaps, that we applied this idea which has caught on around the world, through online donation sites such as Kiva, in order to fix problems in the Western World. The problem in our society is not poverty, though the poverty rate is increasing. Poverty in developing countries means extreme, dirt level poverty, something we do not see often in America.

We ought to utilize the policy of microlending in order to combat this nation’s severe economic problems. The current administration’s attempts at fixing our crisis amounts to little more than lobbing money at more government projects, while the unemployment rate has stubbornly stayed at 9%.

What we need is a concerted effort amongst American businesses, perhaps in partnership with the American government but quite preferably autonomously, in order to facilitate loaning and the distribution of money to those who need it most: job creators. If companies were to set up small lending operations, such as microlending in poorer countries, and then allocate money to ideas, businesses, and people who will employ workers, then this can finally rid us of our economic chaos.

Though we cannot, and should not force businesses to commence such a program, I believe there would be much incentive to do so—even without tax breaks from the government on these job incubators. Many businesses have huge support systems. Car companies like Ford need small companies to design their fluid pressure sensors. Department stores in local marketplaces need regional connections to products that the residents of that specific area find valuable. Phone companies need programmers working out of their garages to create the next hit application. Such a support system is a win-win. If the large companies or wealthy individuals can create these support systems, as well as encourage the creation of additional companies, the whole economy benefits.

This program would be entirely grassroots, and business driven, which is why this idea can actually put Americans back to work, unlike a certain person’s stimulus bill.

Businesses create jobs, not the government. The only role for the government in this quest is to provide the smoothest role possible towards the creations of these lending entities. Hopefully this idea is something that both parties can agree on. While Republicans would like to get much more done, Democrats have obstinately dug in their hooves. We need action. We need a plan.

Taxing the rich, as the Democratic Party would propose, in order to cover the costs of more stimulus, is not as good an idea as they would let on. Many of these rich help create jobs. Additionally, they could help provide the capital for this new lending system. If the rich are willing to spend their money in this system rather than sit on top of it, as many companies are inclined to do in present circumstances, than tax away.  But the upper middle class and some rich could provide the capital for this microlending system.  The average loan for microlending in Bangladesh is 100 dollars. This is hardly enough to start a small business. Though in order to start creating businesses, a future businessman might not need too much money, he doubtless needs more than a Benjamin.

Perhaps why the concept of microlending can be so effective—and appealing—is that it is built to succeed without interference from large, powerful, national banks. Grameen Bank was a small loaning entity created as a research project. Many microlending services online act like charities. While the greed of bankers and asset traders, who sold off toxic loans from bank to bank, person to person, until loans (which were by now immensely profitable to the banks) were being given out to people who had no authority to even think about getting a loan, microlending sends a smaller amount of capital to a person with a firm belief in their own ideas and a drive to contribute for their families. In a struggling economy, we need such a mindset to help us haul through.

Muhammad Yunus himself recognized the value that his system could add to entrepreneurship. By encouraging people to be entrepreneurs, the poor could climb out of poverty. With special assistance, many enterprising people in America can get the small spark needed to form their own profitable businesses.

With so many problems of our own, it’s time we learned our own lessons. It is time to put America back to work. By stimulating our people to create, innovate, and succeed, we can shed ourselves of economic bondage and create a new entrepreneurial force in our beautiful country.

I selected this post to be featured on Economics Blogs. Please visit the site and vote for my blog!

Friday, August 26, 2011

A New Approach In American Politics

We need to take a new approach to politics.  We need to take back America and advocate policies that the people want.  We need to create a government that works for the people.  We need government to operate more efficiently.  The American people deserve better.  We cannot have ceaseless partisan bickering.  We need to do what is right for America, do what is right for the people.

We advocate this new approach to politics.  We encourage people to become active in their communities and encourage good governance.  We need to keep up to speed with current events and let our representative know how we feel about the issues, events, and policies that define our nation.  We cannot sit back while all the decisions are made by Washington bureaucrats.  We need to take action.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Inspiring Speech Relevant in Today's World

A very inspiring speech with relevance even today.  Robert Kennedy's response to the killing of Martin Luther King Jr.  With his monument being recently unveiled, King's message deserves uncovering in this age of polarization and misunderstanding. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Two Party System is Broken

The two party system is dividing America.  With both the GOP and the Democratic Party's refusal to negotiate or give up ground on key issues, the American people continue to lose.  Instead of enacting reforms that Americans need, the parties have been politicking each move, deciding that electoral security is better than a prosperous America.

We need action.

We need people in the Congress who can form consensuses with others and keep in touch with the people.  Instead of feeding more money to their districts, we need to make government more efficient.  With such streamlining, we can promote growth.    The government needs to act for the people it represents, not just the big donors that bankroll their campaigns.  Most Americans are not so far to the left or right as our representatives.  We need people who will protect and work for the people's interests.

Cartoon View on Illegal Immigration

An interesting view on illegal immigration from a cartoon found on  We hope that comics like these can start a debate on what we want from immigration policy.  Sure we want to secure borders and protect American jobs, but many immigrants represent what the spirit of America means.  They to want to live the American dream.  They are also good people.  

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Debt Ceiling Political Shenanigans Are Ridiculous

It is time for the politicians to stop trying to gain leverage over each other politically and form a lasting deal that will save this country from financial ruin.  A deal that could help in the long run and not hurt as much in the short turn could look like this:

*Cuts to Entitlements--Entitlements are a severe drain on the budget.  They will soon become unaffordable.  A reasonable deal to limit the cost of these programs is necessary.  The Ryan plan may be unreasonable, but it does bring up the issue that we need to change what is broken.  We cannot afford to spend loads of money on entitlements down the road.

*Cuts to Defense--We spend WAY too much money on foreign wars, foreign bases, and expensive military technology.  We're not saying get rid of all of this, but surely some dough could be had from limiting foreign involvement and doing without a few new ships, tanks, or joint strike fighters.  These projects do bring money to several special congressmen's districts, so it may be hard, but limiting the expenditures of the state will surely help us down the road

*Cuts to make government more efficient--Lots of businesses are saving money simply by the way they operate.  The government could take a lesson from SOME private sector companies (HINT: NOT BANKS) in order to lower operation costs of some departments.  Trimming some here and some there may not seem like much, but applied to the whole government, one can have real and significant change.  People might not like it, but hey, we've got to trip money, and that's one way to do it.  Trim from the first and second bullets first though.

*Increase in revenue--Notice we didn't say "increase in taxes".  While others debate of what the exact meaning of not raising taxes is, there is no denying this: the governmental needs money.  In order to temper what will likely be harsh cuts, revenue must come to the government.  Taxes are how the government gets its money.  So, in order to ensure the severity does not fall to America's industrious middle class, who are fighting for their lives in the recession, we must turn to those who can stomach it, the rich.  We have tried trickle down economics, and it has not worked.  We need a strong middle class in America, so they shouldn't have to bear the burden of the recession and debt. Another note:  if the rich are taxed more, they're still rich, just as if the middle class are taxed less, they are also still in the middle class.

There are doubtless other ideas at how we can cut, trim, increase, decrease, or whatnot.  If we come up with any more, we'll definitely post them.  Feel free to tell us your own opinions.  We shouldn't throw out ideas just because of where they come from.  The citizens of this country must have their voice too.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Auxilia Party Now On Google+

The Auxilia Party is now on Google+.  You can follow our updates here:

We'll keep you posted on any developments in our organization.  We will continue to post on this blog and try to link between or social networking sites.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Congressmen Must Take The Lead

Congressmen have to realize that the time for partisanship is over.  In the endless debates in congress over the payroll tax, the debt ceiling, and the budget, politicians seldom realize that it is the American people that lose because of the inaction.  Politicians are even greater procrastinators than students shoving off a huge project to the last night before it is due.  Congress chronically cannot come up with a deal until the 11th hour, and even then, the deal is a weak mix of ideas designed solely to get a jumble of votes pass.  Congress hasn't formed strong. well rounded compromises that will last beyond the election cycle.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Debt Must Be Decreased

The government has to stop kicking the can down the road with America's debt problem.

For years, Congress has been content to push this problem aside, not coming to a consensus on what to do.  Right now, Democrats and Republicans remain fiercely divided on what to do.

In order to form a lasting solution, though, both sides must come together and from a deal that will benefit the entire country.  We need strong reform to entitlements, some of which might hurt.  It will hurt a lot less now than 4 years down the road though.  Spending cuts besides entitlements have to be part of the picture.  The government spends a lot of money of programs that it does not need.  For example, we don't need more government programs to do a whole bunch of jobs.  We just need the existing ones to be more effective.  In addition, increased revenue has to be part of the picture.  Eliminating tax breaks for the richest Americans, those who can afford it, is necessary.  Taxes are necessary for government to function.  It's not redistributing the wealth, the rich are still rich.  But these solutions could go a long way to fix our crisis.  It's time Congress realized they have to do what's best for their country, not what's best for their jobs.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Treatise on Open Government

It is the duty of any government to provide the means to its inhabitants an ability to follow and understand what the government is doing.  In our nation, the system of checks and balances keep either the executive, legislative, and judiciary branches from attaining to much authority.  The people, however, are the final check on a government.  They give the consent to govern.  It is from them that the government gets its authority and legitimacy.  As a result, the government has an obligation to do what the people wish and make it evident that they are doing so.  The government must always be held accountable to the people, so the government should provide as much information as necessary to let the people know what is going on.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Admitting One is Wrong: A Necessary Evil

There has been many a time, especially recently, where another politician stands at a podium, denying that they had any part in unsuitable behavior.  They nearly always turn out to be lying.  It seems to us, as it may seem to many people, that if we all just admitted we were wrong at first, then there would be far fewer problems.

Except people have a lot of trouble admitting they were wrong, stupid, or unreasonable in their actions.  They will maintain, if only publicly, that they were always in the right, and twist their story into knots in order to portray themselves as the sane, rational, glorious beings that they most definitely are not.

The truth is, we all make mistakes.  We're human.  Some of us make dumber mistakes than others.  No matter. What really matters is how we cope with mistakes.  As wise people once said or wrote, there are no mistakes, only lessons.  And a lesson is repeated until it is learned.

We must all learn our lessons, and in order to do so it is better to admit wrongdoing rather than lie to our friends, colleagues, constituents, family, and ourselves.  People who tell the truth and can admit they were wrong and attempt with all their effort to make things right gain the support of those around them far more than those who go along as if they were right all the time.

If we are to truly do the right thing for our reputations, work, country, family, and ourselves, we should tell the truth, and not be afraid to say, well, we were wrong.    

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Debt Ceiling Vote

We agree with many that comprehensive budget reform must be made before increasing the debt ceiling.  This, however, must be done swiftly in order to avoid breakdown.  We need a comprehensive plan to stop the wasteful spending.

There are some areas where the government should invest in, but we must invest the money wisely.  The government must have a sense of accountability to the people, because it is their money that government is spending.  We need to make programs more efficient and evaluate each and every aspect of our government to see if we can cut costs.  We should aim not to leach the government dry, but to ensure that we can do an effective job managing the nation on a budget, without going into debt.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Thoughts

On this Memorial day, 2011, we must all take time to remeber those who have devoted their lives to the service of this country.  We are indebted to these men and women who have at times given their lives so our lives could be better.

As we are asking these people to give an ultimate sacrifice, we should treat veterans and current soldiers with respect.  Their lives are difficult.  No matter how difficult our lives are now, most do not have to go through them with the fear of death or capture.  No, these fears have been thrust upon our soldiers and we must honor them for this sacrifice.

With this in mind, we must also be mindful of how we deploy and use our armed forces.  We should not put good, brave people out into harm's way unless it is absolutely necessary.  Our armed forces are powerful, but we must also realize the stress put on soldiers and their families is significant, and should not be aggravated thorugh unnecessary conflict.

So during this Memorial day, take time to hope for peace, and honor those who have worked so that our nation could be a better place.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Politicians Must Stand Up For What They Believe In

It's time some politicians got a spine.

There are many issues being discussed, and there are many people with excellent ideas about how to fix or improve our nation.  When candidates run for president or another office, however, their views somehow shift to conform rigidly to party lines, sacrificing their individuality and independence as a result.

These are the people who have brought up interesting points and have been credited for working with others, regardless of who their party is.  While this practice can get much more done than partisan bickering, many politicians resort to the safety of adherence to party lines.

Elected officials: do not sacrifice your beliefs just to get elected.  We need people to take the lead and be an independent mind in government.  We all know what the major parties think.  The people want to hear what each individual person can bring to the table.  With independence in our politicians, we can hope to fix our problems in a more timely fashion and make our country even better.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Politicians Must Stand Up For What They Believe In

With two parties dominating congress and controlling votes, some brave congressmen must step up and break away from this system.  The American people don't always want what either of the two parties want, and many of us are tired of the bickering and inaction in our legislature.  People want to be able to live their lives with relative economic security and freedom.  The actions, or lack of actions, on the part of our congressional "leaders" is staggering.  In order to stop the politicking of every single bill, individual congressmen must take the lead and make a stand for their district and the people of this nation.  They should not always vote what their party leaders say they should vote.  They should be beholden to no one except for the people, not their political leaders.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Upholding Its Values

The US was founded on principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness with a strong emphasis on justice and equality.  While we have made great strides in our own country to make our society a better place for all, it's time the United States practiced what it preaches in foreign countries which it wields a strong influence in.

The United States is well known throughout the world for having a singular form of government and being founded on principles of justice.  But as the US is invading other countries with seemingly no thought to the consequences, locals can get irritated.  Some, more irritated than others.

The US has often acted in the name of "justice", but some of the irritation in the world, often in the Middle East, is justified.  We must be better with the way we form relations with other peoples, not merely blasting aside people who don't agree with us.  Being trigger happy on top of a flaming gunpowder casket is not a wise idea.  If we hold true to our values all around the world, truly preaching and practicing peace, justice, and equality, our credibility would go up, and we would not be hated as much.

Even if we take these actions, some will still hate us.  This may only be natural.  At least though, we can make the effort to improve our image around the globe.  We can really bring peace to other people's lives.  We can moderate conflicts instead of creating new ones.  We can take the lead in making the world a better, safer place for humankind.

Entitlement Reform is Needed

Paul Ryan has recenlty proposed an overhaul of Medicare that would significantly change the program.  While his version of the solution is not ideal, it certainly is bold and brings up the issue of entitlement reform.

Medicare and other programs will soon get too expensive for the government to keep paying for.  As a result, the debt will continue to go up if spending is not slashed.  We must now open a debate on the programs that we hold dear.  It feels so good to have so many programs, but at the same time, government cannot always sustain it.  We must look to ways we can streamline cost for entitlements, cutting out waste, then discussing alternative cutting measures.

Paul Ryan's budget is only the first step towards the process.  His solution is not the best, nor should it be adopted, but a discussion must ensue on what we really want from our healthcare and what we really want from or entitlement programs.

Reform Needed to Spur Economy

The middle class is reeling after a long recession, which is still not over.  In order to facilitate recovery, we must have a middle class tax break in order to help families cope with the economic downturn.  Seeing as the middle class is often hurt he most in a recession like this, they should get the tax break, not the wealthiest Americans, who can afford it.  Cutting taxes for the rich in a time where we have extreme debt is not prudent or logical.

In addition, we need to make it easier for people to start small businesses.  Encourage lending and venture capital, as well as tax breaks for America's smallest companies, which help drive struggling local economies forward as large corporations are sending jobs overseas.  renewed economic reform is critical as we aim to rid ourselves of the bonds of this recession.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Time For Peace is NOW

Amid the Arab Spring protests in the Middle East, conflict has spread to Israel and Palestine.  In these times of change, no time is better for these sides to make amends and live at peace.

Both of these groups, Palestinians and Israelis, are proud peoples who stand up for what they believe in.  While this is to be commended, we must also understand that peace in the region does significantly depend on resolution to this conflict.  People are being slaughtered on both sides, and the people do not deserve to be subjugated to such inhumane violence.  

So let both sides lay down arms and make peace.  We do not need or want prolonged conflict after decades of struggle.  Too much blood has already been spilled for one spring.  Let peace reign and the times explode into a wonderful summer, were everyone can live without threat of destruction.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Global Picture

We live in a world that is connected more strongly as time goes by.  We have a world economy, vast communications systems, and networks of people that span continents.  Many complex factors govern how this global network work, many of which we cannot understand or comprehend.  As the world grows more complex, governments (and people) must be careful of what they do.  Actions today can not just have an effect in one area tomorrow, but the whole world.  While this has been true for quite some time, this principle is becoming more and more relevant as online social tools bring us closer together.  We need to understand the workings of the world if we are to persevere in our pursuits.  This is not necessarily in foreign countries.  We need to understand the complex workings of our own country in order to instigate an economic recovery.  As we have said before, problems are much more complicated that they seem at first.  The sooner we all realize this, especially those in Washington, the sooner we can make the changes need to make our country and the world a better place for us all.  Keeping in mind the changes that will result from our action everywhere, on everyone will help us decide what to do.  Actions mean consequences.  Let's hope we make the right actions.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Young People Taking Action in Society, Leaders Heed an Important Warning:

Young people have finally found their voice.

All across the world, young people eager for change are taking to the streets and are the real agents of change in global society.  Young people played a great role in the election of President Obama, but this movement is more than that.  In the Middle East, where people under 30 constitute around one third of the population, revolts, revolutions, and demonstrations are commonplace.

A special note to leaders: if you want to stay in power, make reforms and empower young people.  Make sure they have a role in society.  Make sure the have jobs, and education, and a future.  An angry population of twenty somethings is a force to be reckoned with, and leaders who do not heed this warning may soon see the short end of the stick.

Next Step in Middle East Policy

The United States must now step up its efforts to make peace in the Middle East.  This is a fractious area, with many socioeconomic groups.  The US must start to clean up its image by helping new governments on the path to democracy.  It will not be easy, and the will be obstacles, but this is better than the fight-and-replace model we have in Afghanistan and Iraq.  At least now the propel are motivated for change.  That energy needs to be harnessed for good.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Power for the People

A tragedy of despotism is occurring as we blog.  In places like Syria and Libya, leaders abuse and kill their own people in order to increase their power and authority.  This, we can all realize, is wrong.  What we need to do, as members of this nation, or any nation, is to encourage our government to increase the pressure on these nations to reform and change their ways.  Let not this generation be remembered as the one that condoned this murder.  We need to stand up and support the movement for free and fair elections, and governments of the people, by the people, and for the people. 

Energy Independence is Needed to Free Ourselves From Foreign Energy

We must pursue alternative energy resources in order to achieve energy independence.  We must reduce our consumption of oil and coal and turn to renewable.  We can structure our economy on this, for if the US is not a producer of green energy, it will have to be a buyer.  That would be very harmful to our economy in the future.  We can build a powerful energy economy on green energy.  Large producers of oil can control prices and reap the benefits.  We can do the same, with green energy, right here in the US.

Also, regarding biofuels:  we should not use our precious corn supplies to make biofuels.  Instead, we should try to expand cellulosic and other types of ethanol.  It is much more efficient and it is not food, so we will not run the risk of shortages.  It can even be made using the husks of the corn, something that would normally be thrown out.  That way, food prices will be low for farmers can get money for their garbage.  We can use that garbage as part of our energy future.  

Investing in energy will require an upfront cost, spending cuts can cover that, but we can get it back in the future by selling energy and technology to other nations. We must pursue solar, hydrogen-fuel cell, and wind energy futures as well. 

It is time to phase out oil and coal and usher in new, more efficient forms of energy.  One method could be a tax break for people who own cars that have over 35 miles to the gallon.  This way, along with the tax hikes, there will be some tax cuts.  Hopefully, more people will take advantage of this and get a car with a tax break and therefore save money by going green.

Oil Companies must also pay their fair share in taxes.  We must not let oil companies go off free when they do not produce fuel that is sustainable or beneficial to the environment.  We need to push energy companies to reform their practices, encouraging investment in clean and sustainable technologies.  

Monday, May 9, 2011

Break Free From Conventionalism. Be your Own Self.

There is an extreme tragedy in government today.  It seems that no matter how much arguing, discussion, and "bipartisanship" that goes on in Washington, the major parties still cannot agree on solutions.  They remain united against or for different measures, regardless of what the American people, or even at times their own districts, believe is right for the country.

Instead of having a strong alliance and loyalty to party, we should instead have loyalty to our country.  If we put aside what our party (or some other special group's) interests, we can get more done.  We are all individuals, individuals with great ideas.  In order to have all those ideas spread and nurtured, congressmen need to not always conform with their party.  The same should be for everyone.  Instead of rubber stamping the party doctrine, we need to have open minds, listen to, and discuss people's own individual ideas.

The same goes for us too.  Do not simply agree with whatever we have to say.  Come up with your own ideas.  Voting for a party or even a candidate based on a single or handful of issues is not prudent.  Let everyone's ideas and opinions come out into the open.  We daresay that with less people conforming to their party ideas, we might come up with some better solutions.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Website Makover

We have recently made changes to our other site,
This site contains similar information to this, including our party platform.  We also have selected political videos, as well as party news.

No More Same Old, Same Old

Desperate times call for desperate action.

We need to change the way we do things in order to succeed.  Government needs to acknowledge that changes must be made.  We cannot keep operating under the same practices.  We must challenge the status quo and think for ourselves.  We cannot just sit back and eat up what the major parties tell us.  They can deceive the electorate, and this is very dangerous.  They polarize the American people, so we are really just choosing those who are good party candidates, not American candidates.

We need people in Washington and all of government to really value what the American people want.  Bickering in congress of this and that does not help anyone.  It hurts the American people.  These two sides need to learn to get along and put aside their interests groups, their big sponsors, and do what is right for the people.

Party Platform Now Comprehensive and Updated

Due to the changing times, we have commenced additions to our party platform.  We will continue to post updates to the platform and blog as new issues present themselves.  Please give us your opinion on these issues. Let us know what you think of our blog.  Your voice matters, and we value the people's opinion.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Citizenship: What We Really Need

In our country, we cannot have a system that restricts who is a citizen merely by where they are born.  We should instead pursue judgement of character as the paramount criterion.  Instead of worrying whether or not someone is from the US and isn't an illegal immigrant, we should instead look to those who will make our society better.  that's the kind of people we want making our decisions, that's the kind of citizen we need in America.  Rigidity in who we call a citizen or not a citizen will restrict who can take part in benefiting the nation, a situation America cannot afford to pursue.

This does not mean we will let all illegals in and legalize them.  No, but it does mean we need to have a new outlook on citizenship.  We want people to pursue active citizenship, trying to benefit society, no matter who they are or where they are from.  This can be a call to action for all Americans to step up and help society.

We hope, that one day in America, we will consider a citizen not just someone born in this country, or looks like they are from this country, but whether they want to improve and benefit this country.  In order to become a great nation, we must have great people.  In order to establish such a nation, we must all take action in our respective communities.  We must usher in a new age where Americans must take pride in their country, take pride in their work, and take pride in calling themselves citizens of the United States of America.  After all, we are not Whites, or Blacks, Caucasians, or Hispanics, legal or illegals, or even Democrats or Republicans.  Instead, we are Americans.  Though in will not be easy, we should all yearn for the day when everyone here in the United States of America will truly be United, and then we can truly call ourselves America.

Embrace Challenges to Fix Problems in Society

Problems face our society every day.  At times, these problems seem overwhelming, as if they can't be fixed.  If we are to improve society and make it stronger, we need to embrace these challenges and fix our problems.  Many politicians shirk away from bold action when it is needed.  While there is a time for prudence and patience, there are also times when we need actions.  The status quo will remain forever, if we do not get our acts together.  We all have the power to change society.  Let's take action when action is needed most.

Christianity and Islam

Today, Islam and Christianity are often divided, portrayed as enemies in a quest for world dominance.  The relationship, though, is more complicated than that.  If we are to truly understand the workings of Christianity, or in many of our cases, Islam, we need to learn about each of them.  Where they came from.  What the worship.  What they believe.  Many of us unjustly discriminate against others merely because we do not understand them.  They in turn, judge us because they do not understand us either.  Radicals dominate the news, but most people are not radicals.  They're just people.

Both Christianity and Islam stated from humble origins, are were effectively spread by peaceful means, such as traders or merchants.  The peaceful spread of ideas was critical, as well as openness to other ethnic groups.  In understanding that Christianity and Islam are in many ways the same and were both spread (and coexisted) at times peacefully, the world can one day hope to live peacefully with two powerful, insightful ideologies 

We have much to learn from Islam's and Christianity's rich histories.  Misunderstanding creates fear and anger amongst both parties.  Christian-Muslim interaction is of paramount importance as the US, a predominantly Christian nation, fights in three Muslim countries to date.  The stability of the region depends on how well we interact with them, and how we understand them.

With harmony, there is reason for optimism.  With less disagreement, we can fight the world's problems with a combined moral purpose.  To unite the world and dissolve the boundary of miscommunication that exists between many Christians and Muslims, an understanding must be reached.  An understanding that reaches beyond our own religious beliefs, and understanding that reaches beyond faith.


America must encourage innovation in business and in government.  The best ideas sometimes come from unlikely sources, and the government must foster ways to take risks and test ideas in the private and public sectors.  This means encouraging a break from the status quo.  Innovators defy normal, and come up with trailblazing new ideas.  Small businesses are great incubators of innovation, and strengthening them will also strengthen innovation.  Reform to the patent system to eliminate frivolous patents easily and make it easier to submit legitimate ones could also go a long way towards encouraging innovation.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Small Businesses Drive America Forward

Small businesses give America its strong entrepreneurial spirit and drive the economy forward.  According to the small business administration, (SBA), small businesses account for 99.9 percent of the businesses in America.  Though many of these businesses fail, they still account for many new jobs.  Since many small businesses are startups, they often hire in recessions.  Though not huge on their own, collectively small businesses make up a potent force.  In addition, small businesses drive innovation forward, gaining 13 times as many patents as large firms, according to the SBA

Environmental Protection

Setting away land and sea area as preserves is very important in preserving our nation’s natural wonders.  These areas should be maintained and wildlife in them studied to help us better understand the world we live in.  Funding for this can come from entrance fees as well as some from taxes.  With preserves set up, we can keep our wide variety of wildlife so all can experience and enjoy the beauty of nature. 

The American landscape is beautiful, and has been cherished for generations.  Our forests, our mountains, our prairies.  Our landscape is unique and should be protected for posterity.  This is the way our land was.  This is the way it should be kept.  Our wilderness serve as beacons for stewardship of the environment, illustrating all the beauty that the Earth has.

More on Foreign Policy

Instability in many nations leads to an influx in terrorists.  In order to combat this, we look at the root cause, so that we may hope to understand why this is happening. 

Instead of intruding into other countries, we must respect their sovereignty and push for reform.  In many instances, there are cruel dictators that will not reform or negotiate.  Conflict might be inevitable, no matter how much negotiation goes on.  Intervention will occur, but what then?  Before going in, powers need to have a game-plan on what will happen afterwards.  Concrete planning and collaboration with the locals on how to make their lives better and more peaceful is needed.  Nation-building is often frowned upon as policy, yet this may be needed.  Military action with no back end involvement will lead to the destruction of order in a country, bring the nation, and consequently the entire region, into chaos.

We need to work with the people of other countries, planning for strong, open, effective governments, accountable to the people, and free of corruption.


The US must obey the Geneva convention and not torture people in detention.  They are people too, and must be treated as such, no matter how different or evil they might be.

Many foreign combatants under our control are simply young men who had no future, so they turned to terrorism.  Now, this decision may be frowned upon, but we must look at the root cause of the influx of these fighters if we are to succeed and make the world safer.

The root cause may be the instability of regions in which these fighters come from.  If they have no future, no education, and they perceive their well being is in danger by foreign military forces, then they will fight, and fight with terrorism.

Torture, in fact, might not be as effective as it seems.  While valuable information has been attained through "enhanced interrogation techniques", when people are under stress, they may not tell the truth.  If someone is threatening you, you may be more likely to say whatever will get you get relieved of that stress, instead of what might be the truth.  It is the same with combatants.  They could say what interrogators want to hear, instead of what they need to hear.  Treating everyone like humans will gain their respect, showing that we are not in fact evil.  Once they realize that, they can be of much more help than ever before.

Nuclear Weapons

The US should not expect the rest of the world to forgo nuclear weapons when they themselves do not want to abandon their own policies.  The US should take the lead and reduce, not necessarily eliminate, but reduce their nuclear weapons supply and not make any new ones.  In turn, the US should encourage others to do the same.  Others will not do so unless someone will take the lead, someone who does have a vested interest in nuclear nonproliferation.  It should be the United States who takes the lead, as a major nuclear superpower.  We cannot let nuclear weapons get in the hands of terrorists; this is understood.  What we should work on is not a world where allies of the US have nuclear weapons and the rest don't, but as little countries as possible have nuclear weapons.  Also, regarding missile shields, it is not a good thing to do and threatens other nations nearby, so that they are extremely uncomfortable with US presence.  Many countries that are near it oppose it, and with good reason.  Since we would not like missiles near our country, we should in turn honor others’ requests and not install missiles without their permission.

Problems with the Media

As time goes on, people should be aware of several alarming facts.  The media in the United States, and several other places in the world, is increasingly being centralized into a few news organizations.  As evidenced by many sites, including and, these corporations include many media and news outlets, and continue to become bigger.

As this happens, more and more Americans are getting their news from very few organizations, regardless of how many shows they watch.  Instead of valuing small, thought provoking, and independent journalism, we instead are getting large conglomerates who answer to their rich owners and corporate funders.  The independent, small scale journalism is held accountable to the people.  Since their operation depends solely on, say the publication of a single newspaper, they are more likely to listen to criticisms about their integrity or depth, since their success depends on only one or a few journalistic ventures.

Now, it will be quite difficult to prevent or change the course that is happening at this moment. But there is action that everyone can take.  Write to congress.  Tell them to pass legislation limiting the spread of media conglomerates.  Bring up anti trust legislation.  Encourage limitation on these media empires.     In addition, support your local papers.  If they have not been bought up already, encourage the operators not to sell.  Buy papers that are not from these empires, buy magazines that you value for there in depth, thought provoking coverage of the news.  Lastly, if you are unsatisfied with the media, start spreading your own magazines, newspapers, and pamphlets.  Encourage others to do the same.  Take on the empires.  Make journalism truly free and balanced.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Party Platform Now Posted on Blog

In an effort to enable followers and readers of this blog more access to information regarding our ideas and platform, we have decided to post the platform on this blog.  It is on an additional page, on the right hand side of the blog under "Pages".  There is also a "Contact Us" page, where you may find information to send us your ideas/questions/comments.  Please take a look at the platform.

Foreign Policy

War is only necessary if every avenue of peace has failed.  We must exploit every method of peace before turning to military action.  Military action is an absolute last resort.  We must not endanger our soldiers or the citizens of other nations by pulling ourselves into war.  War is avoidable and should not happen except under very specific circumstances.  These circumstances are that if an enemy makes a direct attack on US soil and is not open to any peaceful discussions or actions.  Then, it may be necessary to go to war, but one should manage the war wisely.  War costs too much money, and a long drawn out war has a large, negative effect on the deficit and the economy.  War does not necessarily ensure peace.  Oftentimes, escalated conflict can throw the entire world into disarray.  We must think about those affected by are actions.  There are families on the ground, ordinary families, just trying to live a life and provide food for their families.  One bomb can destroy that in an instant. 

Basic Finances

In order to remain fiscally responsible and free of debt, many American families and businesses adopt a simple principle: don't spend more than you take in.  It's simple finances.  School groups do it.  Lemonade stands do it. Lots of people do this.  The question remains: why doesn't the federal government do this?

The feds have been lax on what kind of debt they will allow, and both parties are to blame for this is some way or another.  Yes, Democrats traditionally win the yearly overspending contest, but Republicans insistence on only cutting spending while at the same time cutting taxes, often for the rich, wins no prize for its responsibility.  Both parties spend huge amounts on foreign wars.

It makes little sense to only cut spending or only raise taxes in order to cut the deficit.  Using only one of these methods ends up with a tougher strain on the middle class and/or Government with to little funding too effectively complete its job.  Exercising both options tempers the harshness.  Cutting taxes on the wealthiest Americans makes the most sense, since they are the ones that can afford it.  One thing that politicians must realize is that these taxes are never really going to redistribute the wealth.  When the rich are taxed more, they will still be rich.  When the middle class is taxed less, they are still in the middle class.

All this, though, does not take away the responsibility of the Federal Government to spend its money wisely.  Its our money.  Fiscal responsibility is imperative.  Cut programs that don't work and aren't effective, and reward programs that do more with less.  There are ways to do the same job with less money, and it still doesn't mean less workers.

Spending money wisely is basic economics; its about time Washington learned its lessons.

Stand Up For What You Believe In

What is popular is not always right, what is right is not always popular.  We must not be afraid to stand up for what we believe in.  Standing up for what is right requires a great form of courage, courage that we all can muster.  If we stand up, we become noticed and therefore can elicit positive change.

Who we are-a little more detail

Auxilia is a unofficial political party that has been created  in June, 2009 to support multipartisian cooperation in the country.  We are dedicated to promoting peace throughout the world and creating an effective government for the people, by the people, and of the people.  We want to combat the spread of partisanship and divisiveness.  We pride ourselves in working together to make our country and our world a better place to live in.  Our mission is to keep a multipartisan agenda in place and influence the political scene.  We hope you will look around our website.  Please view our Party Platform for 2011. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Being A Citizen

We must be open to new ideas and listen to what anybody has to say.  We must work together in order to succeed.   It is from the people that the government gets its power.  We must distinguish ourselves as civilized citizens in order to create a vibrant democracy.


This is a difficult and trying time in the world.  War is raging. People are hungry, sick, and devoid of hope.  What we do have is a sense of human dignity that unites us all.  Our belief in good and our desire to help others transcends all barriers and boundaries.  It bursts through walls and turns them to shambles.

Yet the iron grips of tyranny and oppression have not left this world.  We still live in a dangerous world, as evidenced by numerous wars and killings.  We need to tell the politicians and leaders who endorse this conflict that we will not take it anymore.  The world stands much more to gain from peace than from war.  If we join together as brothers and sisters, we can rid this world of evil.  We need to join together and help each other, help the world become a better place.  

Party Platform

We are in the midst of revising our party platform for the rapidly changing political situation in the world.  On our minds our foreign policy, the economy and job creation, energy, and education.  If you feel strongly about these issues, let us know what you think.  The people deserve to be heard; let your voice take flight.

A quote of inspiration

The summit of Everest is no higher than a molehill if you put your mind to it.  We can all aspire to greatness; those that endeavor the hardest will succeed.  


We are not White, or Black, Asian, or Hispanic, or even Democrats or Republicans.  Instead, we are Americans and human beings on this earth. Let us all join together in unity, for when we are truly united, we can truly call ourselves America.


We all can change this world.  Big, tall, young, old, we all can make a difference.  People are the agents of change in this world.  We all have the power to make the world a better place.

Banned and challenged books

Banned and challenged books-even in America.   Some of these books we all should read, not for pleasure, but for the lessons the teach us.  Literature can sometimes be boring, but these books have great lessons.  Reading challenging books, books that make one think are important to today's society. 


We must not torture; instead we should treat all detainees as if they were fellow humans and citizens of this world.  

Young People

Ignoring the young people of a nation is a grave offense on the part of any government.  It is tragic whenever governments do this and they are duly punished.  When young people are ignored, the get angry and revolt.  Change needs to come; reform must be swift.

Follow us on twitter!

You can find our less wordy news, announcements, and ideas on twitter @auxiliaparty.  Follow us!  Please let us know how you think we can make the world a better place.  Ideas mean everything.  Everyone has something to say.

What we really need

Overall, both big government and small government are bad. The Auxilia Party believes in a balance between the people and the government. In part, the Auxilia allied forces are the government and the people in an alliance to better this nation. In some areas the people have more power and in others, the government has more power. But overall, it should be a mutual discussion and connection between the people and the government.


Democrats and Republicans go on and on about spending and taxes but none of them have the real solution.  The Democrats have to realize that there is more in life than spending government money as much as they want, and the Republicans have to realize that they can’t always demand no taxes.  Taxes are essential for government to function.  But also, the government must also be more efficient and careful in the way they spend money.  No wasteful spending is mandatory.  Tax cuts should be for the poor and middle class and the super rich, who can afford it, should be taxed more.  One thing politicians don’t realize is that these taxes aren't going to redistribute the wealth.  When the rich are taxed more, they’re still rich.  When the middle class gets a tax cut, they’re still in the middle class.   The tax cut just helps them to stay where they are.  This compromise is the best solution to our economic problems.

Fairness in American Society

America speaks of being all for liberty and fairness yet prejudices in the American Society have not yet ceased. We must learn to join as brothers and sisters all as friends. Even today, you see people walking on the other side of the street when they see an African-American, or laughing when they see an Asian speaking in their own language. You see people calling people of the Islamic religion terrorists or calling anyone who is very faithful to their religion a lunatic! People also make fun of or look down upon people with disabilities. A common prejudice you hear is against women or men. None of these things are controllable. But that fact should not be used for persuasion against prejudice because it is still saying that these traits are bad, but just that the people shouldn't be discriminated against because of them because they are uncontrollable. But, we should say that color, religion, disabilities, and gender ARE NO difference. We are all the same in that we are human beings, and yet we are all unique in our personalities and our beliefs.


We are not for big government or small government.  Instead, we are for government that works and works for the people, with the people.


Education is very important all across the world.  With an education, children know have a future.  Please support efforts to educate children worldwide, so they too may have a future.  This will go a long way in combating violence and terrorism.