Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Democrats and Republicans go on and on about spending and taxes but none of them have the real solution.  The Democrats have to realize that there is more in life than spending government money as much as they want, and the Republicans have to realize that they can’t always demand no taxes.  Taxes are essential for government to function.  But also, the government must also be more efficient and careful in the way they spend money.  No wasteful spending is mandatory.  Tax cuts should be for the poor and middle class and the super rich, who can afford it, should be taxed more.  One thing politicians don’t realize is that these taxes aren't going to redistribute the wealth.  When the rich are taxed more, they’re still rich.  When the middle class gets a tax cut, they’re still in the middle class.   The tax cut just helps them to stay where they are.  This compromise is the best solution to our economic problems.

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