Sunday, November 6, 2011

Taxing The Rich-A More Liberal View

We must understand that while the rich in many circumstances can be job creators, the Democratic Party view does hold weight with many Americans.

When the rich are taxed more than the middle class are, as we have stated before in posts, they are still rich.  The taxes aren't going to change that.  When the middle class is taxed a bit less than the rich are (which doesn't happen) then they are most typically still in the middle class.


It's not class warfare.  It's not redistributing the wealth.  It's just providing a bit more fairness in our tax system.  we know that the government is broke.  We need to pay off our debt soon, or much of it, for posterity's sake.  A huge debt cripples our nation and allows less fiscal flexibility in hard times such as these.  Because the times could get even harder if we only cut spending and do not increase revenue, someone must see their taxes go up.

The rich are those who are able to weather such a burden.  The middle class has already been screwed.  They need the extra money.  What they save, they are likely to put back into the economy purchasing goods, food, and electronics for themselves and their families.  The rich have money to spare, and more often hoard their money than the middle class.  Taxing them more is not going to make as much as a difference for them.

Taxing job creators is one thing.  Allowing people who don't spend and have plenty of money to spare pay lower taxes than the working middle class is another.

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