Sunday, July 1, 2012

More Efficient Governance

The bureaucratic United States Government must undergo an evolution.  This is no longer the time to be a big, slow, thundering giant in the world.  In order to better serve its citizens, the United States government must be fast and efficient, delivering the needs of its people more rapidly.  Globalization has changed our world to where it is no longer the largest, most powerful countries that win.  Now, efficiency, speed, and quality are rewarded in the world markets.  The government can harness to power of the internet to speed up services that have taken nearly forever previously.  Why stand in line so long at the DMV or other local government agency when you can do it at home on your computer?  Why must government projects take so long to attain approval and begin work?  By utilizing current and future technologies, we can create a more efficient government in our country.

For reference, here is a breakdown of how the Federal Government spends its money:

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